IMP Grade

I wanted to let you now that the score entered to IC will have an additional 10 points added to the grade you earned for the IMP.

This generosity (along with the 45 pt EOC) will no doubt help all students. Yet, there may be some students that it pushes to the fringe of earning another grade (C-B or B-A). My thoughts on that are for you to look at the raw scores of both these assignments. The 89.9% might be more like an 86.5% if I were to grade with the greatest level of scrutiny. Therefore, I do not anticipate any groveling or begging about any of the grades.

Well done on this semester! I hope you come back ready to dive into the real Performance Task 1. I will post the teams shortly.

Happy Holidays!

- Mr. T

Finals Week

Alright Folks, Finals week is here.

This week will be working hard to get through the remaining IMP's.

Best of Luck!

- Mr. T

Dec 15 - IMP (Day 2)

Come on, let's go!

- Mr. T

Agenda (NO PPT)

PTII: IMP (Day 2)

Homework: Finish IMP

Dec 13 - EOC Part A and IMP (Day 1)

Judgement Day!

Let's hope you are prepared to make some self corrections from the first EOC Part A. Additionally we will have our first IMP groups presenting. I am probably just as anxious as most of you. I want this to go well, yet I am nervous that there has not been enough time put into it.

Either way, remember that confidence can go a long way and that you must be clear and explain what you are talking about.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Test:  EOC Part A
Presentation: IMP

Homework: Finish IMP

Dec 8 - Group 15 and 16 Discussion and Sample IMPs

Almost done with our final presentations of the semester. Make them count and keep the conversation rich and lively.

Additionally, we will view some sample IMPs just to get our bearings on what you should and should not do.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 15 and 16
Worktime: IMP

Homework: Read Articles

Group 15 and 16 Articles

Group 15

Group 16

Dec 6 - Group 12-14 Discussion and Worktime

Today we will continue with discussion and have some individual worktime. By now questions are designed, research has begun, and an IWA outline has been created. At the start of that outline is the formulation of an argument that is well connected to the stimulus materials. What is yours???

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 12-14
     Group 13
     Group 14
Worktime: IMP

Homework: Read Articles

Dec 4 - Group 11 and 12 Discussions

We will have time for our discussions and not much more. I would expect that you already have a question formulated and quite a bit of research. Additionally, you will have an argument constructed with an outline of an IWA. This will all help lead towards the completion of an amazing IMP.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 11 and 12

Homework: Read Articles

Group 11 and 12 Articles

Group 11

Group 12

Dec 1 - Group 9 and 10 Discussion and Continue Question Feedback

Continuing with discussions today. For those in the audience, please make sure to be eagerly and actively participating. If you share out only once I may miss your commentary which will result in a 0/5. Additionally, for those presenting, please try and call on new students when possible.

After discussions we will continue looking into the questions you designed and receiving feedback. I can tell that many of you have already made revisions based on the first round of review.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 9 and 10
Activity: Question Feedback
Review: TMP with final groups

Homework: Read Articles

Group 9 and 10 Articles

Group 9 

Group 10

Opportunity for Juniors!

If you are interested in a career in business, come to the GBA during tutorial TODAY (11/29) to learn more about the Enterprise Leadership Conference – a FREE 3 day conference. March 14-17. 

Here is a bit more about the program-
Each year the San Jose and Los Gatos Rotary Clubs host 96 high school juniors for three days at beautiful Asilomar in Monterey to teach them business skills. This FREE conference takes place over 3 days. The students are broken up into teams of 8 (4 young men and 4 young women); two Rotary members serve as mentors, which we call “DGs” (Discussion Group Leaders). Each team is an imaginary company; they have to come up with a brand-new product or service and prepare a business plan.  The students receive instruction in areas such as finance, marketing, human resources, ethics and public speaking/presentation.
The ELC committee is justly proud of how we select the students. Each year we get approximately 250 applications for the 96 spots. The form doesn’t ask for GPA, who the parents are or the clubs to which the student belongs.  Applicants are selected solely based on how interested they are in the conference as set out in the answers to 3 short questions. Some students may be at the top of their class and a classic overachiever; but for others, this may be the first time they have been picked for anything. Some have never spent the night away from home, others have been to Europe. And now they are put at random onto a team, and this diverse group needs to collaborate and cooperate to create a business plan and presentation. Just like in the “real world.”

Nov 29 - Group 6-8 Discussion and Question Review

Today we will have 3 group discussions and then we will informally review as many research questions as we can for your IMP's.

I hope that this process will be beneficial. Additionally, it will mirror the types of peer feedback you will need next semester for your real AP test.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 6 - 8
Activity: Question Feedback
Review: TMP with final groups

Homework: Read Articles

Nov 27 - Group 5 Discussion

We will have a group 5 Discussion today. I know that Kyuri has been absent and not sure what the status is. See the article by Lucas and Bryan below though.

Additionally, I have crafted an IMP presentation date list linked HERE. Please let me know if you need to present on a different date. Regardless of designated in class work time you must be working and passing yourself appropriately.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 5 and 6 (moved to Wednesday)

Homework: Read Articles, Submit Google Classroom Assignment

Nov 22 - Group 3 and 4 Discussion (Quick!!!)

Got to go quick today due to the minimum day. We will have some time next week to discuss the TMP rubrics and begin looking at the IMP rubric.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 3 and 4

Homework: Read Articles

Nov 20 - Group 1 and 2 Discussions and PTII Workday (postponed)

Today we will have discussions on two journal articles regarding our theme of Justice (not Social Justice).

After that, I will require that each group watch their TMP and think about where they should be scored based on the rubric.

In addition, make sure to look at the goals for your IMP. I would try to formulate a solid research question by Wednesday.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 1 and 2
     Do not spend more than 10 minutes per document. Get a general understanding of each!
Performance Task 2: Question Design (At Home)
Watch: TMP Video

Homework: Read Articles

TMP Reflection Task

1. What did your group do well? What did you like about working with a group? These specific people?
2. What did your group struggle with? If you had to start over what would you change? What would you do differently for next time?
3. Individually, what did you do well?
4. Individually, what would you do different next time?

Nov 17 - TMP Day 2 and Intro Performance Task 2

Back in Ms. Cohen's class today.

I am sure that we can get through all of the presentations and hopefully have enough time to talk about Performance Task 2.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Presentations: Day 2
Intro: Performance Task 2

Homework: Read Articles

Nov 15 - TMP Day 1 and Unit 3 Discussion Protocol

I am very excited for your presentations today. Looking forward to see all of your hard work pay off.

After our first five presentations, we will discuss the protocol for our Unit 3 Discussions.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Presentations: Day 1
Intro: Unit 3 Discussions

Homework: Sign Up for Unit 3 Discussions

Nov 13 - Final Workday PT1

Welcome back from a long weekend.

I hope you have made tremendous progress on your Performance Task 1. Remember, you have all the information on how to succeed. Follow the directions, and align your work with the rubric.

Looking forward to seeing what you have!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Final Workday: PTI

Homework: Submit TMP and IRR on Google Classroom and

Important Information

First, presentations will take place on Wed and Fri of next week. Please email me if you know you are going to be absent. Ten percent will be deducted from the group's total score if any group member is late during either presentation day. The presentation order is below:

Devin, Sam, divya, priyanka

Rohan, Tyler, brent , nate 

Cyrus, Haley, Nevin, Connor 

Layla, Min, Kyuri, Yanet

Roselyn, emily, maddy, asha

Bryan, Emily Sun, James, Lucas

emily lien, Jenny, EAMON, fabi

edward, andrew, thanh, theki 

Jin, Sahya, Ankit, Avantika

Nov 8 - Team Multimedia Presentation

Crunch time!

I hope you have read and re-read your PT1 Handout and rubrics. These are the guides to success. Please keep an eye out for a submission spot on Google Classroom as well as for the IRR.

Good Luck and Finish Strong!!!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Team Work: TMP Creation

Homework: Finish IRR and TMP!!!

Nov 6 - Group 9 Discussion and Argument Formation

Have to step it up this week. Thankfully, you have an upcoming long weekend if you feel behind.

By next Monday you will be finished with your Performance Task 1. Please reference and re-reference the rubric and handout multiple times this week. I was a bit concerned with the level of progress on Friday and want to ensure that we see some awesome presentations when we get back from our 3 day weekend!

Good Luck and Work Hard!!!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 9
Team Talk: Argument Formation

Homework: Finish IRR and TMP!!!

Group 9 Articles


Nov 3 - Group 8 Discussion and Peer Review (Round 2)

Very happy about the article discussions as of late, and I hope that today's group will follow suit.

After the article discussions we will have another peer review process. I will come around an give participation credit for all that are prepared and ready to review!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 8
Peer Review: Round 2

Homework: Article Submission and Reading


Read all team members’ reports.
▶  Teach other team members what you learned so that all team members understand all perspectives presented in the reports (in the Oral Defense, you may be asked about any team member’s work)

▶  Collaboratively synthesize and evaluate individual FIndings and perspectives to create a collective understanding of different approaches to the problem or issue.

Group 8 Articles


Nov 1 - Group 6 and 7 Discussions plus APA Formatting Discussion

Hope your sugar high from Halloween is going to last through the day!

Today we will have a double shot of article discussions and then review the best practices of APA format. With any remaining time you will continue to work with your teams. Use the goals below to help keep you on point and working in the right direction.

Present your Findings and analysis to your group in a well-researched and well- written report in which you: 
›  Identify an area of investigation and explain its relationship to the overall problem or issue. 
›  Summarize, explain, analyze and evaluate the main ideas and reasoning in the chosen sources. 
›  Evaluate the credibility of chosen sources and relevance of evidence to the inquiry. 
›  Identify, compare and interpret a range of perspectives about the problem or issue. 
›  Cite all sources that you have used, and include a list of works cited or a bibliography. 
›  Use correct grammar and style. 

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 6 and 7
Skill Building: APA Best Practices

Homework: Article Submission and Reading / Finalized IRR for Peer Review Friday

Group 7 Articles


Oct 30 - Free Workday: Performance Task 1

We have a full workday for your Performance Task 1. That means that two groups will discuss articles on Wednesday. Because of that, our next IRR peer review will not be until Friday.

Enjoy your work time,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)


Homework: Read and Submit Articles

Group 6 Articles

Here they are!

Oct 27 - Group 5 Discussion and Peer Grade IRR

More fun today... at least I hope.

Let's have some engaging discussions about articles. Remember the criteria before and our previous reflections on the process. I think we will go back to questions before the presenter begins.

After that we will have a peer review of your preliminary IRR. I know that this is not your finished product, but it should have elements of your approach as well as the research you have completed.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 5
Peer Review: IRR

Homework: Article Submission and Reading

Group 5 Articles

Here are the Group 5 Articles!

Extra Credit

Attend the play and answer 3 of the questions below in complete paragraph responses. Potential max Extra Credit is 10 points.


- Mr. T

12 Angry Jurors Extra Credit Questions

Which juror do you identify with the most? Why?

Which juror do you think was most concerned about the outcome of the trial and why? Least concerned and why?

Which jurors are foils to each other? How so? How does that add to the play?
How did the costumes help tell who the characters were? (Reference specifics)

What biases do the jurors have? How do these affect how they view the case? Pick one juror and explain.

Which characters base their decisions on prejudice or ignorance? How? What effect does that have on the jury process?

What is your opinion on the verdict? Is the defendant guilty or innocent? Why? Justify your response with details from the case.

What message does the play send about how justice works? How so?

Oct 25 - Group 4 Discussion and IRR Worktime

Hey Folks,

Remember that from now on, our group discussions will be assessed based on the following:

Article Quality

Article Understanding

Speaking Ability (Clarity, Presence, Audience Engagement, Etc)




Let me know if you have any questions about any of the criteria. Also, I have replied to all emails about your group's question and topic. Looking forward to further discussion tomorrow.

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 4
Research Workshop: Best Practices
Worktime: IRR

Homework: Article Submission and Reading, Initial Draft of IRR DUE FRIDAY!

Oct 23 - Group 3 Discussion

Hope you all had a great Homecoming!

For this week, we must speed up the article discussions. They must be: clear, concise, more engaging, and you have to know what the article is. We all can, and should have, read your article too. Therefore, we want a synthesis of information... not a re-read of the article.

Anyway, if we do all that, I am looking forward to meeting with ALL groups about your topics and questions. These should be student driven by your team's interest. Therefore, it should be fun and interesting for you to research, write about, and present on.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 3
Group Review: Topics and Questions

Homework: Article Submission and Reading, Begin IRR Research and Writing (DUE FRIDAY)

Oct 20 - Group 2 Student Discussions

Easy day!

Student discussions surrounding social justice will take all of our time.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 2

Homework: Article Submission and Reading, Choose Topic and Formulate Question for your Team

Oct 18 - Group 1 Discussion and IRR Samples

Today we will be having our first group discussion regarding social justice. Remember our question (Question: How can social justice activism help or harm society?) and remember what you are required to write for each article (see sign up sheet if you forgot).

For future groups I will require a RAVEN analysis paired with the article. This should help us eliminate erroneous sources.

After the discussion, I will lead you through IRR samples using our rubrics and College Board scoring rationale. Finally, if time, you can meet with your groups.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 1
Grade: Sample IRR
     Sample A
     Sample B
     Sample C
Worktime: PTI

Homework: Article Submission and Reading

Oct 16 - Sample Videos of Team Multimedia Presentation and Question Formulation Technique

Yay Homecoming!

I always thought it was strange having homecoming 2 months into school. I mean we have been home for some time now.

Regardless, today you should become more aware of the expectations behind PT1. We will be watching and scoring student videos that were submitted to the College Board for this purpose. If you are engaged, this should be a very eye opening experience. After the video scoring, we will discuss question design and I will allow you some time to work on your group's PT1.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Grade: Sample PT I
Discuss: Question Formulation Technique
Worktime: Choosing a topic or area of interest

Homework: Article Submission and Reading

The Pollution Solution

The Syrian Refugee Crisis

Capitalism in Education

Unit 2 Theme and Question

Theme: Social Justice

Question: How can social justice activism help or harm society?

Links to describe Social Justice (these are not articles!)

Oc 13 - Unit 2 Theme and PT1 Discussion

Friday the 13th... that's a bit erie.

Anyway, I hope that our class is not too scary today. Lot's of introductions and discussions. These conversations mainly surround our Unit 2 Theme and Performance Task 1.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Pass back EOC Rubrics
Class Discussion: Unit 2 Theme
Review: Performance Task 1
Review: PT I Rubric
Worktime: PT I
      Next week we will discuss, in depth, question formulation!

Homework: Sign up for article discussions, Submit Unit 1 paper to Google Classroom and

Oct 11 - Peer Grade of EOC A and Unit 1 Test

I'm very excited for our class today.

One, I am excited to see you guys and gals learn and grow through peer review of the End of Course Exam.

Additionally, we will finish out our first unit with a simple writing task. This will allow you to demonstrate your amazing thoughts about the government regulation of food.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Grade: EOC Part A
Writing Assignment: Unit 1 Theme Question
    Will be submitted to Classroom and

Homework: Finish the writing assignment

Oct 9 - Finish: Food INC

Time to watch our "feel good" documentary Food Inc. Also, please enroll in using the information in the post below!


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

New Seats / Groups
Video: Food Inc.

Homework: None Enrollment

Please sign up for our class Turnitin Account Log In

Class ID: 16494435

Enrollment Key / Password: 1234

Sept 29 - EOC Part A and Watch: Food Inc.

Happy Friday,

Today we will take our first test. We will complete an EOC Part A. Best way to study is to review the rubric. Also, you can review those sample responses from the other day.

After the test we will start watching Food Inc. This is a documentary that may give you a greater context about the Food industry and government regulation.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Complete Survey
Practice Test: EOC Part A
Video: Food Inc. (Can been seen on Netflix if absent)

Homework: None

Sept 27 - Group 9 Class Discussion and Food Waste Video

I am excited for our last group. This will definitely be one of the best presentations yet, right?

After the group presents, we will watch a segment from Last Week Tonight concerning food waste.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Article Discussion: Group 9
Video: Food Waste

Homework: None

Sept 25 - Group 8 Discussion

You know the drill...

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Article Discussion: Group 8

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Group 8 Articles

Here they are!

Sept 22 - Continue: Sample EOC Part A Responses and Group 7 Discussion

Today we will score sample responses to the EOC Part A. After that, Group 7 will have the stage and will lead another discussion.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Activity: Scoring EOC Part A Examples
     *See prior class's blog post for hyperlinks!
Article Discussion: Group 7

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Group 7 Articles

Here are the articles for Group 7!

Sept 20 - EOC Part A Scoring Samples and Group 6 Discussion

Today we will be scoring sample responses to an EOC Exam Part A. Through the process you will develop your own understanding of the College Board expectations as well as the proper usage of the rubric.

Afterwards, we will hear from Group 6! Remember, the final groups do not need a 5th synthesizing article. You're welcome!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Activity: Scoring EOC Part A Examples

Article Discussion: Group 6

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Discussion Update

For the remaining groups, I will require the following:

  1. Proper Attire
  2. Speaking directly to the audience
  3. Greater clarity of thought and communication
  4. Selection of an article with a clear argument and line of reasoning
  5. ONLY 4 articles (one per student)
You will be docked points if any of the aforementioned items are not adhered to.


- Mr. T

Sept 18 - Group 5 Discussion

Looking forward to today's discussion. 

I am happy we are all getting practice speaking... we need it ; ) Remember to harness your inner Emily and make sure your speech is clear and that what you are saying makes sense. 

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Article Discussion: Group 5

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Group 6 Articles

It is like Christmas came early!

Articles HERE

Group 5 Articles

Here they are!

Let's hope they are good ones! ; )

- Mr. T

Sept 15 - Discuss: EOC Part A Rubric and Group 4 Discussion

Happy Friday!

Today we will review the End of Course Exam Rubric for Part A. After this we will hear more about food and the government. Looking forward to a presentation that uses great articles with a strong claim. Additionally I am excited to have you reiterate certain points that clearly help you understand your lens question or the thematic question as a whole. ; )

We should have more time for audience questioning today. Yay class participation!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discuss: End of Course Exam Rubric
Article Discussion: Group 4

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Sept 13 - Perspective Activity and Group 3 Article Presentations

We will start the class today with an activity that allows us to work collaboratively whole class. It should demonstrate the strength of communication and the skills of group leadership.

After that we will have our Group 3 presentation.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Activity: Perspectives and Teamwork
Article Discussion: Group 3

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Group 3 Articles

Here is the link for Group 3 Articles.

Also, for future groups article submission let's do the following:

  1. Create a Google Doc
  2. Write out what lens it relates to
  3. Throw in the URL
  4. ex. Ethical -*
                         *the above link is clearly a fake

Sept 11 - Group 2 Discussion

Continuing with Article Discussions today!

I really enjoyed the first presentation, and I anticipate them only getting better. Make sure to read through the articles ahead of time and follow the process on the previous blog post.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Article Discussion: Group 2

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Group 2 Articles

Hey Folks,

Group 2 Articles are available for the Monday presentation. I would like us to try a different approach for the questions that the audience is creating. New directions are below:

  • Each student (not group) will ask one question per article
  • In addition, each student will attempt to identify the main argument in 1-2 sentences
  • So I expect to see:
    • Econ Article (name of article)
      • Main Idea / Claim
      • Question(s)
  • Follow that above process for each article!!!
Thanks folks and GO CHARGERS!

Sept 8 - Group 1 Discussion

Ok, here we go.

Please make sure that you have read all the articles and prepared questions. I am expecting clear presentations that demonstrates the lens and theme that we are exploring. If it is not clear to all of us, we must ask questions.

If we have any extra time, you will be given a chance to start on your discussion articles!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Article Discussion: Group 1

Homework: Submit Articles to Google Classroom (See Sign Up Sheet)

Group 1 Articles

Hello All,

Please read before class and be prepared with questions regarding the articles!


Sept 6 - Start: Article Discussions

We will see how today goes.

By the end of class, you should understand the expectations for the class discussions you will be leading. Also, you will be a part of a discussion based on an article that I am presenting.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Recap: Logical Fallacies
Assignment: Article Discussion
Sample Discussion: “The New Face of Hunger”

Homework: First groups submit articles to Google Classroom

Sept 1 - Finish: Logical Fallacies

Simple day. Finishing our Logical Fallacy presentations.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Logical Fallacies
     Discuss: Research Process
     Search: Articles on Food

Homework: Sign Up for Class Discussions (I will make this link editable for a short period of time only. Please listen in class for this time and check your Remind messages)

Aug 30 - Logical Fallacies

Today we will spend some time looking into logical fallacies. If you see any of these while doing research, steer clear!

Hopefully you can gather the information to teach the class about 1 of 23 logical fallacies and present all in one class day.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Logical Fallacies
Present: Logical Fallacies

Homework: None

Aug 28 - Lens Questions and Online Sourcing

We have a bunch of stuff on the agenda today.

Although, none of it should feel overwhelming. The main deliverables from the day will be the Pseudoscience Article w/ RAVEN and a Google Classroom group task.

See you soon, and Happy Mismatch/America Monday!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Recap and Submit: “Pseudoscience of Single Sex Ed”
Discuss and Assign: Lens Questions for Food Theme
Skill Development: Credible Online Sources
QUEST Framework: “E” and “S”

Homework: None