Dec 1 - Group 9 and 10 Discussion and Continue Question Feedback

Continuing with discussions today. For those in the audience, please make sure to be eagerly and actively participating. If you share out only once I may miss your commentary which will result in a 0/5. Additionally, for those presenting, please try and call on new students when possible.

After discussions we will continue looking into the questions you designed and receiving feedback. I can tell that many of you have already made revisions based on the first round of review.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 9 and 10
Activity: Question Feedback
Review: TMP with final groups

Homework: Read Articles

Group 9 and 10 Articles

Group 9 

Group 10

Opportunity for Juniors!

If you are interested in a career in business, come to the GBA during tutorial TODAY (11/29) to learn more about the Enterprise Leadership Conference – a FREE 3 day conference. March 14-17. 

Here is a bit more about the program-
Each year the San Jose and Los Gatos Rotary Clubs host 96 high school juniors for three days at beautiful Asilomar in Monterey to teach them business skills. This FREE conference takes place over 3 days. The students are broken up into teams of 8 (4 young men and 4 young women); two Rotary members serve as mentors, which we call “DGs” (Discussion Group Leaders). Each team is an imaginary company; they have to come up with a brand-new product or service and prepare a business plan.  The students receive instruction in areas such as finance, marketing, human resources, ethics and public speaking/presentation.
The ELC committee is justly proud of how we select the students. Each year we get approximately 250 applications for the 96 spots. The form doesn’t ask for GPA, who the parents are or the clubs to which the student belongs.  Applicants are selected solely based on how interested they are in the conference as set out in the answers to 3 short questions. Some students may be at the top of their class and a classic overachiever; but for others, this may be the first time they have been picked for anything. Some have never spent the night away from home, others have been to Europe. And now they are put at random onto a team, and this diverse group needs to collaborate and cooperate to create a business plan and presentation. Just like in the “real world.”

Nov 29 - Group 6-8 Discussion and Question Review

Today we will have 3 group discussions and then we will informally review as many research questions as we can for your IMP's.

I hope that this process will be beneficial. Additionally, it will mirror the types of peer feedback you will need next semester for your real AP test.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 6 - 8
Activity: Question Feedback
Review: TMP with final groups

Homework: Read Articles

Nov 27 - Group 5 Discussion

We will have a group 5 Discussion today. I know that Kyuri has been absent and not sure what the status is. See the article by Lucas and Bryan below though.

Additionally, I have crafted an IMP presentation date list linked HERE. Please let me know if you need to present on a different date. Regardless of designated in class work time you must be working and passing yourself appropriately.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 5 and 6 (moved to Wednesday)

Homework: Read Articles, Submit Google Classroom Assignment

Nov 22 - Group 3 and 4 Discussion (Quick!!!)

Got to go quick today due to the minimum day. We will have some time next week to discuss the TMP rubrics and begin looking at the IMP rubric.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 3 and 4

Homework: Read Articles

Nov 20 - Group 1 and 2 Discussions and PTII Workday (postponed)

Today we will have discussions on two journal articles regarding our theme of Justice (not Social Justice).

After that, I will require that each group watch their TMP and think about where they should be scored based on the rubric.

In addition, make sure to look at the goals for your IMP. I would try to formulate a solid research question by Wednesday.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 1 and 2
     Do not spend more than 10 minutes per document. Get a general understanding of each!
Performance Task 2: Question Design (At Home)
Watch: TMP Video

Homework: Read Articles

TMP Reflection Task

1. What did your group do well? What did you like about working with a group? These specific people?
2. What did your group struggle with? If you had to start over what would you change? What would you do differently for next time?
3. Individually, what did you do well?
4. Individually, what would you do different next time?

Nov 17 - TMP Day 2 and Intro Performance Task 2

Back in Ms. Cohen's class today.

I am sure that we can get through all of the presentations and hopefully have enough time to talk about Performance Task 2.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Presentations: Day 2
Intro: Performance Task 2

Homework: Read Articles

Nov 15 - TMP Day 1 and Unit 3 Discussion Protocol

I am very excited for your presentations today. Looking forward to see all of your hard work pay off.

After our first five presentations, we will discuss the protocol for our Unit 3 Discussions.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Presentations: Day 1
Intro: Unit 3 Discussions

Homework: Sign Up for Unit 3 Discussions

Nov 13 - Final Workday PT1

Welcome back from a long weekend.

I hope you have made tremendous progress on your Performance Task 1. Remember, you have all the information on how to succeed. Follow the directions, and align your work with the rubric.

Looking forward to seeing what you have!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Final Workday: PTI

Homework: Submit TMP and IRR on Google Classroom and

Important Information

First, presentations will take place on Wed and Fri of next week. Please email me if you know you are going to be absent. Ten percent will be deducted from the group's total score if any group member is late during either presentation day. The presentation order is below:

Devin, Sam, divya, priyanka

Rohan, Tyler, brent , nate 

Cyrus, Haley, Nevin, Connor 

Layla, Min, Kyuri, Yanet

Roselyn, emily, maddy, asha

Bryan, Emily Sun, James, Lucas

emily lien, Jenny, EAMON, fabi

edward, andrew, thanh, theki 

Jin, Sahya, Ankit, Avantika

Nov 8 - Team Multimedia Presentation

Crunch time!

I hope you have read and re-read your PT1 Handout and rubrics. These are the guides to success. Please keep an eye out for a submission spot on Google Classroom as well as for the IRR.

Good Luck and Finish Strong!!!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Team Work: TMP Creation

Homework: Finish IRR and TMP!!!

Nov 6 - Group 9 Discussion and Argument Formation

Have to step it up this week. Thankfully, you have an upcoming long weekend if you feel behind.

By next Monday you will be finished with your Performance Task 1. Please reference and re-reference the rubric and handout multiple times this week. I was a bit concerned with the level of progress on Friday and want to ensure that we see some awesome presentations when we get back from our 3 day weekend!

Good Luck and Work Hard!!!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 9
Team Talk: Argument Formation

Homework: Finish IRR and TMP!!!

Group 9 Articles


Nov 3 - Group 8 Discussion and Peer Review (Round 2)

Very happy about the article discussions as of late, and I hope that today's group will follow suit.

After the article discussions we will have another peer review process. I will come around an give participation credit for all that are prepared and ready to review!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 8
Peer Review: Round 2

Homework: Article Submission and Reading


Read all team members’ reports.
▶  Teach other team members what you learned so that all team members understand all perspectives presented in the reports (in the Oral Defense, you may be asked about any team member’s work)

▶  Collaboratively synthesize and evaluate individual FIndings and perspectives to create a collective understanding of different approaches to the problem or issue.

Group 8 Articles