Feb 28 - Rubric Review and Discuss Stimulus Material Task

Hey All,

Just wanted to remind you to check the calendar. If you have a 6th period free, Ms. Cohen's class will be hosting guest speakers today (2/28) and Friday (3/2). Please email her for more information.

Today, we will review the rubrics for PTII and then dive into our stimulus material activity.


Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Performance Task II: Rubrics
Discuss: Stimulus Materials

Homework: Read and Annotate Stimulus Materials

Feb 26 - Intro Performance Task 2

Welcome Back!

Today, we will start Performance Task 2. There is plenty of cross over between the two Performance Tasks, but also important distinctions. We will review that and read through all the directions.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Compare: PTI and PTII
Introduce: Performance Task II
Read: Handout
Discuss: Stimulus Materials

Homework: Read and Annotate Stimulus Materials

Feb 12-16 - TMP Presentation Days

Best of luck to all the teams this week. Looks like we will be presenting in Ms. Cohen's classroom per the data on the Google Form you all filled out.

You presentations can be in widescreen or 4:3, I am not sure it matters.

- Mr. T

Agenda (NO PPT)

Presentations: TMP

Homework: IRR and TMP Google Classroom Submissions, Make sure to dress appropriately

Feb 9 - Final TMP Workday

Today is the final workday.

Additionally, we will have one or two practice presentations. We will also view a sample of a very solid TMP to use as inspiration for next week. Use this time to continue to enhance your arguments, presentations, alignment with the rubric, and speaking abilities.

Late next week I will formally post the PTII stimulus materials. The expectation will be for you to read them and then we can debrief after break.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Workday: TMP #5
Final Workday

Homework: Finish TMP, Respond to the form below (must be logged into your SJUSD account to view)

Feb 7 - TMP Workday #4 and Practice Presentations

More practice presentations and work time. Pay attention and give good, honest feedback!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Practice Presentation (Round 2)
Workday: TMP #4

Homework: Work on TMP

Feb 5 - TMP Workday #3 and First Practice Presentation

Your Capstone teachers were hard at work over the weekend passing the TMP scorer training.

Nothing profound discovered from the trainings, but it did confirm our knowledge about the rubric and the tasks in general.

Today we will review some of those findings and some materials from The College Board. Stay engaged, ask questions, and work hard.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: IRR and TMP Notes from College Board
Practice Presentation
     Emily W.
Workday: TMP #3

Homework: Work on TMP

Feb 2 - TMP Workday #2

Yet another workday. Today I would like you to really think about the design of the presentation and the role of each group member.

Practice Presentations
Think about signing up for a practice presentation on the 5th or the 7th of February (voluntary opportunity). You will be given a full amount of time to present and get scored by your peers. I will have a sign up sheet available soon.

Presentation Order
Additionally, TMPs will be held the entire week of the 12th (with the 12th itself included). I will inform you of the presentation order before the period is over.

Work Hard!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Workday: TMP #2

Homework: Work on TMP, Consider signing up for a sample presentation