Apr 2 and Apr 4 - Performance Task II Workdays

This week is our final work week. Please let me know if you would like to present early. If so, you will present your IMP on Friday.

It was great to see the practice presentations last week. Thanks for all that volunteered. For the rest of us, please make sure to reflect on the presentations and make improvements to your own.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Final Workdays!

Homework: Consider an early presentation on Friday

Mar 30 - Practice Presentations (Day 2)

I am excited to see more practice presentations. This process will lead to valuable feedback and new realizations about the rubric.

See you soon,

- Mr. T


Practice Presentations:
     Emily L.

Homework: Continue work

Mar 28 - Discuss/Review: Progress and Practice Presentations

Hey Folks,

I want to start the class with a conversation about progress on PTII and our proficiency on recent assignments. I am going to try my best to create an environment of that we can discuss our issues with the Performance Task and ways to advance our progress.

After that, we will watch and gently score our 3 practice presentations for the day.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Previous Submissions
Practice Presentations:
     Emily W

Homework: Continue work

Mar 26 - IMP and IWA Workday (Sub Plan)

You know what you should do... GET TO WORK! : )

This week will will have practice presentations and I will show you a few solid examples of IMPs. Also maybe some not so good examples.

See you Wednesday,

- Mr. T

Mar 23 - Peer Review (Round 3)

One final round of peer review. Again, I should see the mention of new peers for each round of peer review. Hopefully through reading a lot of these you will gain a better sense of the rubric and the purpose of the IWA.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Review: Round 3
     See Google Classroom

Homework: Submit to Google Classroom

Mar 21 - Peer Review (Round 2)

Back at it today with more Peer Review. Please make sure to find new people today and continue to add to your Google Doc.

Also, consider completing a practice IMP next week. There are only benefits that come from doing that.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Review: Round 2
     See Google Classroom

Homework: Google Classroom, Consider a Practice Presentation

Mar 19 - Peer Review (Round 1)

Today we will start on our peer review. I heard you all worked very diligently last week and that the attendance was perfect ; ).

This week I hope that many of you step up and kick it into high gear!

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Review: Round 1
     See Google Classroom

Homework: Google Classroom, Consider a Practice Presentation

Mar 14 and 16 - IWA Outline and Rough Draft

Hey All,

In my absence, I hope that you are all productive with your time. In order to give you some guidance, and participation credit, you will be tasked with completing an IWA outline and rough draft before I return on Monday.

The exact due dates and instructions can be found on Google Classroom.

Work Hard,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Create: IWA Outline
Draft: IWA

Homework: Submit work to Google Classroom

Mar 12 - Finish: Research Question Share Out

Sorry for the late blog post. If you were absent today, we finished sharing out research questions.

Please see Google Classroom for the next assignment due Tuesday evening!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Share: Research Questions
Worktime: Continued Research and Annotated Bibliography

Homework: Annotated Bibliography

Mar 9 - Finish Research Question and Find Scholarly Articles

Today we need to play catch up from Wednesday. That means quickly developing a research question for peer review.

After that, you will be given time to continue refinement of your question and to research information that aligns with your theme and research question.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Share: Research Questions
Worktime: Scholarly Research

Homework: Find 2 or more scholarly articles

Mar 7 - Create Research Question

Back at it again folks. Today I will task all of you with generating a sound research question that is inspired by the stimulus materials and your personal interests.

For participation credit, you will be sharing out your research question and receiving peer feedback on it.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Worktime: Research Question

Homework: Create Research Question

Mar 5 - Select Stimulus Materials to Use and Develop Research Question

First, please make sure you all know your presentation date (listed HERE). Also, please use these links to help you in your understanding of IMP and IWA grading (LINK).

Today, it is suggested that you begin to focus on stimulus materials that you want to use and begin to design some research questions. On Wednesday we will do a read a loud of research questions.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Chosen Stimulus Materials
Worktime: Research Question

Homework: Create Research Question

Mar 2 - Brainstorm: Stimulus Themes and Worktime: IWA

More time to engage with stimulus materials and start to think about a research question.

Get to work!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Brainstorm: Stimulus Themes
Worktime: IWA

Homework: Research