Sept 1 - Finish: Logical Fallacies

Simple day. Finishing our Logical Fallacy presentations.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Finish: Logical Fallacies
     Discuss: Research Process
     Search: Articles on Food

Homework: Sign Up for Class Discussions (I will make this link editable for a short period of time only. Please listen in class for this time and check your Remind messages)

Aug 30 - Logical Fallacies

Today we will spend some time looking into logical fallacies. If you see any of these while doing research, steer clear!

Hopefully you can gather the information to teach the class about 1 of 23 logical fallacies and present all in one class day.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: Logical Fallacies
Present: Logical Fallacies

Homework: None

Aug 28 - Lens Questions and Online Sourcing

We have a bunch of stuff on the agenda today.

Although, none of it should feel overwhelming. The main deliverables from the day will be the Pseudoscience Article w/ RAVEN and a Google Classroom group task.

See you soon, and Happy Mismatch/America Monday!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Recap and Submit: “Pseudoscience of Single Sex Ed”
Discuss and Assign: Lens Questions for Food Theme
Skill Development: Credible Online Sources
QUEST Framework: “E” and “S”

Homework: None

Syllabus Amendment

Hey Guys (and Gals),

In my excitement and haste, I left out a key part of the syllabus!

See major addition/clarification below:

1.     Late work is unacceptable!  If you do not turn in an assignment, on time, you will receive a zero.

Aug 25 - Finish: Show and Tell / RAVEN / Argument Sequencing

Here we are again!

Today we will finish the Show and Tell presentations. After that, we will re-engage with the article on S.S. Ed. and break it down using the RAVEN method.

After we discuss that process in our table groups and whole class we will participate in a collaborative task. This will require you to take sentences of an argument and position them in a logical order. Lots of meta-cognition will be required for this task.

Should be fun,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Present: Show and Tell
Analyze: “Pseudoscience of Single Sex Ed”
Activity: Sequence an Argument!

Homework: None

Aug 23 - Show and Tell Day 1 and RAVEN WS

Time to speak!

Being comfortable in front of the class is going to be a major part of this course, so let's start practicing now. The safe space, easy topic, and short period of time should ease the tensions that most might face.

After our "Show and Tell" time we will describe the nature of an argument and analyze one ourselves. Basically, we will do what we did with the Foie Gras article, but with deeper analysis.

Agenda (PPT)

Present: Show and Tell
Discuss: “U”nderstand
Read: “Pseudoscience of Single Sex Ed”

Homework: Bring in item (if you did not present today)

Aug 21 - Finish: Lens Discussion

Happy Eclipse Day!

Today we will finish our lens discussion and I will remind you about your presentations on Wednesday and Friday.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Assign: Show and Tell Presentation
Finish: Lens Discussion

Homework: Bring in item for "Show and Tell"

Aug 18 - Intro QUEST

Back for more today!

The internet issues may inhibit some of our lesson, but not much. Today we will review the homework reading as well as investigate the process of thinking thematically and investigating multiple perspectives on a topic/theme.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Questions / Clarification: Syllabus and Course Design
Review: Homework Reading
Discuss / Practice: QUEST Framework

Homework: Prep for “show and tell” Wednesday

Aug 16 - Welcome to AP Seminar!

Welcome to AP Capstone Seminar. I am very happy that you chose to take this class, as it will be one of the most impactful and meaningful classes that you take at Leland High School.

Today, we will be doing typical first day stuff. Don't worry, I am not into team building, ice breakers, or other awkward activities. Instead we will review the course outline and hopefully you will gain an understanding of the class and who I am as a teacher.

Looking forward to meeting you all!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Find your seat (Find your desk number!)
Introduction: Who is Mr. T
Review: AP Seminar
Review: Course Syllabus
Review: Class Logistics

Homework: Syllabus Signatures and Read/Annotate Article and Sign Up for Google Classroom (Code = vjjdcui)