Nov 1 - Group 6 and 7 Discussions plus APA Formatting Discussion

Hope your sugar high from Halloween is going to last through the day!

Today we will have a double shot of article discussions and then review the best practices of APA format. With any remaining time you will continue to work with your teams. Use the goals below to help keep you on point and working in the right direction.

Present your Findings and analysis to your group in a well-researched and well- written report in which you: 
›  Identify an area of investigation and explain its relationship to the overall problem or issue. 
›  Summarize, explain, analyze and evaluate the main ideas and reasoning in the chosen sources. 
›  Evaluate the credibility of chosen sources and relevance of evidence to the inquiry. 
›  Identify, compare and interpret a range of perspectives about the problem or issue. 
›  Cite all sources that you have used, and include a list of works cited or a bibliography. 
›  Use correct grammar and style. 

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 6 and 7
Skill Building: APA Best Practices

Homework: Article Submission and Reading / Finalized IRR for Peer Review Friday

Group 7 Articles


Oct 30 - Free Workday: Performance Task 1

We have a full workday for your Performance Task 1. That means that two groups will discuss articles on Wednesday. Because of that, our next IRR peer review will not be until Friday.

Enjoy your work time,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)


Homework: Read and Submit Articles

Group 6 Articles

Here they are!

Oct 27 - Group 5 Discussion and Peer Grade IRR

More fun today... at least I hope.

Let's have some engaging discussions about articles. Remember the criteria before and our previous reflections on the process. I think we will go back to questions before the presenter begins.

After that we will have a peer review of your preliminary IRR. I know that this is not your finished product, but it should have elements of your approach as well as the research you have completed.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 5
Peer Review: IRR

Homework: Article Submission and Reading

Group 5 Articles

Here are the Group 5 Articles!

Extra Credit

Attend the play and answer 3 of the questions below in complete paragraph responses. Potential max Extra Credit is 10 points.


- Mr. T

12 Angry Jurors Extra Credit Questions

Which juror do you identify with the most? Why?

Which juror do you think was most concerned about the outcome of the trial and why? Least concerned and why?

Which jurors are foils to each other? How so? How does that add to the play?
How did the costumes help tell who the characters were? (Reference specifics)

What biases do the jurors have? How do these affect how they view the case? Pick one juror and explain.

Which characters base their decisions on prejudice or ignorance? How? What effect does that have on the jury process?

What is your opinion on the verdict? Is the defendant guilty or innocent? Why? Justify your response with details from the case.

What message does the play send about how justice works? How so?

Oct 25 - Group 4 Discussion and IRR Worktime

Hey Folks,

Remember that from now on, our group discussions will be assessed based on the following:

Article Quality

Article Understanding

Speaking Ability (Clarity, Presence, Audience Engagement, Etc)




Let me know if you have any questions about any of the criteria. Also, I have replied to all emails about your group's question and topic. Looking forward to further discussion tomorrow.

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 4
Research Workshop: Best Practices
Worktime: IRR

Homework: Article Submission and Reading, Initial Draft of IRR DUE FRIDAY!

Oct 23 - Group 3 Discussion

Hope you all had a great Homecoming!

For this week, we must speed up the article discussions. They must be: clear, concise, more engaging, and you have to know what the article is. We all can, and should have, read your article too. Therefore, we want a synthesis of information... not a re-read of the article.

Anyway, if we do all that, I am looking forward to meeting with ALL groups about your topics and questions. These should be student driven by your team's interest. Therefore, it should be fun and interesting for you to research, write about, and present on.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 3
Group Review: Topics and Questions

Homework: Article Submission and Reading, Begin IRR Research and Writing (DUE FRIDAY)

Oct 20 - Group 2 Student Discussions

Easy day!

Student discussions surrounding social justice will take all of our time.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 2

Homework: Article Submission and Reading, Choose Topic and Formulate Question for your Team

Oct 18 - Group 1 Discussion and IRR Samples

Today we will be having our first group discussion regarding social justice. Remember our question (Question: How can social justice activism help or harm society?) and remember what you are required to write for each article (see sign up sheet if you forgot).

For future groups I will require a RAVEN analysis paired with the article. This should help us eliminate erroneous sources.

After the discussion, I will lead you through IRR samples using our rubrics and College Board scoring rationale. Finally, if time, you can meet with your groups.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Student Discussions: Group 1
Grade: Sample IRR
     Sample A
     Sample B
     Sample C
Worktime: PTI

Homework: Article Submission and Reading

Oct 16 - Sample Videos of Team Multimedia Presentation and Question Formulation Technique

Yay Homecoming!

I always thought it was strange having homecoming 2 months into school. I mean we have been home for some time now.

Regardless, today you should become more aware of the expectations behind PT1. We will be watching and scoring student videos that were submitted to the College Board for this purpose. If you are engaged, this should be a very eye opening experience. After the video scoring, we will discuss question design and I will allow you some time to work on your group's PT1.


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Grade: Sample PT I
Discuss: Question Formulation Technique
Worktime: Choosing a topic or area of interest

Homework: Article Submission and Reading

The Pollution Solution

The Syrian Refugee Crisis

Capitalism in Education

Unit 2 Theme and Question

Theme: Social Justice

Question: How can social justice activism help or harm society?

Links to describe Social Justice (these are not articles!)

Oc 13 - Unit 2 Theme and PT1 Discussion

Friday the 13th... that's a bit erie.

Anyway, I hope that our class is not too scary today. Lot's of introductions and discussions. These conversations mainly surround our Unit 2 Theme and Performance Task 1.

See you soon,

Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Pass back EOC Rubrics
Class Discussion: Unit 2 Theme
Review: Performance Task 1
Review: PT I Rubric
Worktime: PT I
      Next week we will discuss, in depth, question formulation!

Homework: Sign up for article discussions, Submit Unit 1 paper to Google Classroom and

Oct 11 - Peer Grade of EOC A and Unit 1 Test

I'm very excited for our class today.

One, I am excited to see you guys and gals learn and grow through peer review of the End of Course Exam.

Additionally, we will finish out our first unit with a simple writing task. This will allow you to demonstrate your amazing thoughts about the government regulation of food.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Grade: EOC Part A
Writing Assignment: Unit 1 Theme Question
    Will be submitted to Classroom and

Homework: Finish the writing assignment

Oct 9 - Finish: Food INC

Time to watch our "feel good" documentary Food Inc. Also, please enroll in using the information in the post below!


- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

New Seats / Groups
Video: Food Inc.

Homework: None Enrollment

Please sign up for our class Turnitin Account Log In

Class ID: 16494435

Enrollment Key / Password: 1234