IMP Grade

I wanted to let you now that the score entered to IC will have an additional 10 points added to the grade you earned for the IMP.

This generosity (along with the 45 pt EOC) will no doubt help all students. Yet, there may be some students that it pushes to the fringe of earning another grade (C-B or B-A). My thoughts on that are for you to look at the raw scores of both these assignments. The 89.9% might be more like an 86.5% if I were to grade with the greatest level of scrutiny. Therefore, I do not anticipate any groveling or begging about any of the grades.

Well done on this semester! I hope you come back ready to dive into the real Performance Task 1. I will post the teams shortly.

Happy Holidays!

- Mr. T

Finals Week

Alright Folks, Finals week is here.

This week will be working hard to get through the remaining IMP's.

Best of Luck!

- Mr. T

Dec 15 - IMP (Day 2)

Come on, let's go!

- Mr. T

Agenda (NO PPT)

PTII: IMP (Day 2)

Homework: Finish IMP

Dec 13 - EOC Part A and IMP (Day 1)

Judgement Day!

Let's hope you are prepared to make some self corrections from the first EOC Part A. Additionally we will have our first IMP groups presenting. I am probably just as anxious as most of you. I want this to go well, yet I am nervous that there has not been enough time put into it.

Either way, remember that confidence can go a long way and that you must be clear and explain what you are talking about.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Test:  EOC Part A
Presentation: IMP

Homework: Finish IMP

Dec 8 - Group 15 and 16 Discussion and Sample IMPs

Almost done with our final presentations of the semester. Make them count and keep the conversation rich and lively.

Additionally, we will view some sample IMPs just to get our bearings on what you should and should not do.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 15 and 16
Worktime: IMP

Homework: Read Articles

Group 15 and 16 Articles

Group 15

Group 16

Dec 6 - Group 12-14 Discussion and Worktime

Today we will continue with discussion and have some individual worktime. By now questions are designed, research has begun, and an IWA outline has been created. At the start of that outline is the formulation of an argument that is well connected to the stimulus materials. What is yours???

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 12-14
     Group 13
     Group 14
Worktime: IMP

Homework: Read Articles

Dec 4 - Group 11 and 12 Discussions

We will have time for our discussions and not much more. I would expect that you already have a question formulated and quite a bit of research. Additionally, you will have an argument constructed with an outline of an IWA. This will all help lead towards the completion of an amazing IMP.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Discussions: Group 11 and 12

Homework: Read Articles

Group 11 and 12 Articles

Group 11

Group 12