Jan 31 - TMP Workday #1

Simple and straightforward work day. I would ask that you come with questions about the rubric and overall questions about Performance Task 1. Remember I cannot provide direct feedback but I can, "explore issues, discuss topics and perspectives, and/or answer questions as necessary" I can also... "teach skills pertinent to the performance task..."

So far I have not really met with anyone to review first semester work or discuss many issues whatsoever. I am concerned that you may not receive the full amount of support that I can actually provide.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Workday: TMP

Homework: Work on TMP, Submit IRR Reflection to Google Classroom

Jan 29 - Peer Review (Round 3) SUB DAY

Last day of peer review.

I hope that you are fully engaged and take the reflection seriously that is on Google Classroom. Feel free to email any questions or talk to me in class Wednesday.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Review: Round 3
Review: TMP Suggestions

Homework: Work on TMP, Complete Peer Review Reflection

Jan 26 - Peer Review (Round 2)

Today we will enter our second round of peer review.

Hopefully this peer review will be better than the last. Not only do you need to be focusing on providing and accepting feedback for the IRR writing task, but you need to be thinking about how your team will synthesize the information into the TMP. The greater the engagement each class the stronger the likelihood that you will do well on Performance Task 1.

See you soon,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Review: Round 2

Homework: Continue to Revise, Start work on TMP

Jan 24 - Peer Review (Round 1)

Hey there folks,

I wanted to start by reminding you to stay vigilant this semester. As I look through the recent assignments, it is hard for me to justify full credit scores for a lot of you. This is because of a lack of effort and attention to detail. Keep on it and make sure to listen to all of my instructions to align your products with my expectations.

With that said, have a great first day of peer review. I will hopefully synthesize the experience for Block 2 and have a quick chat about overarching observations/suggestions.

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Peer Review: Round 1

Homework: Continue to Revise

Jan 22 - Rough Draft: IRR (SUB DAY)

Hey there,

I am not going to be at school today. With that said, I am not sure how much you need me. I wanted to take the time to review the IRR rubric with you, but instead you will have to review it with your groups. Additionally, I want to remind you of is the introduction structure: topical context, your research question (explicit or implicit), and your thesis (your individual approach).

Make sure to submit your rough drafts of your IRR by this evening to Google Classroom and Turnitin.com.

Thanks for all your hard work!

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Review: IRR Rubric
Submit: Draft IRR

Homework: Submit Draft IRR

Jan 19 - Annotated Bibliography (IRR)

Your work today will focus on the development of your research. Follow the guidelines on the Google Doc file located on Google Classroom.

Good Luck and Happy Research,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Research: Assemble an Annotated Bibliography

Homework: Submit Annotated Bibliography 

Jan 17 - Research: Scholarly Articles for IRR

Show up, do work, nuff said...

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Research: Find scholarly articles within your IRR approach

Homework: Submit 2 Scholarly Articles

Jan 12 - Research Question Formulation and Start Research

Lots of worktime today.

As a team you need to spend time in that first section of the PT1 Handout. Continue challenging each other and having deep conversations about topics and research questions. Lots of preliminary research should be paired with this.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

Refine and Submit: Research Question
Begin: Preliminary Research

Homework: Submit Questions and Continue Research

Jan 10 - Intro Second Semester and Performance Task 1

Welcome Back and Happy New Year!

Today we start the first day of our AP Test. This means that from here on out my role is limited in terms of what I can actually do. You will be forming your groups and reviewing Performance Task 1 today. There should be plenty of time to talk with your teams and start brainstorming ideas as you dive into this first task.

Good Luck,

- Mr. T

Agenda (PPT)

New Seats / New Groups
Set Up: Digital Portfolio
Review and Access: Second Semester Calendar
Discuss: PTI –TMP and IRR
Review: PTII Videos from Semester 1

Homework: Meet with team and develop question